I had been waiting to take the boys to see Santa this year so my husband could go with us. Jim has never gone with us and, since I fear my time is running out on how much longer they’ll believe, I wanted to have Jim there at least once. (Though Christopher is only 4, Jacob is 6 and in school. Jacob will be the first to learn there’s no Santa and, like any respectable sibling, will make sure that Christopher knows, too, I’m sure.)
In our infinite wisdom we said to each other, “Let’s do it on Christmas Eve. Yes, the malls will be crowded and the line to see Santa will probably be a mile long but, we’ll be together. It will be fun.” Last night, December 23rd, Jim came home from work and dropped the bomb on me: “I have to work tomorrow so you’re going to have to take the boys to see Santa by yourself.” Are you kidding me? I’m screwed. No way am I going to tell my four year old he isn’t seeing Santa this year. I had to brave the mall this morning on my own with two very excited boys.
In the pouring rain, I loaded the kids up first thing this morning since Santa was at the mall as early as 9:00am. I wanted to make sure I was going to be as close to the front of that line as possible. As we were driving, there was almost no traffic on the way. I started to get hopeful. Maybe, just maybe we’re getting there early enough to beat the crowds. Sure enough, I pull into the mall parking lot and THERE WERE HARDLY ANY CARS! I even got a spot only a few spaces away from the main entrance. And, IT STOPPED RAINING! Could my luck get any better? I doubted it.
Oh, doubter that I was… to my pleasant surprise there was only one other family getting their photos with Santa! Can you believe this? I stopped and looked around thinking, “Surely, I’m missing where the real line begins.” Nope. No one else was there. Just that one other family.
We were in and out of the mall to see Santa in less than 30 minutes. Literally. We walked into the mall at 9:09am and got back into the car at 9:36am. And, it still wasn’t raining. I was walking on clouds, I was so thrilled. Patting myself on the back for getting out early, I decided to push my luck and headed to the liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine. I should have just been grateful for the good fortune I’d been shown at that point and just gone straight home. But, I wasn’t that wise.
I pull into the grocery store parking lot and had to drive around for five minutes before I could find a spot. It started pouring rain. We then head into the liquor store. Why are you taking a four and six year old into the liquor store you ask? Well, judge me all you want, but Mommy needs wine for Christmas Eve and I don’t know when Daddy’s coming home.
On the way in, both boys are jumping into every single puddle they can see and, of course, they see them all. One puddle from the boy on my left and my entire left leg is soaked from the splash. Before I can even ask them to stop, the boy on my right jumps into one and douses my right leg. “Oh well,” I think to myself, “I made it out of the mall in record time. I’ll just change my pants when I get home.”
As we make our way down the very closely lined shelves, my heart was in my throat as both boys were walking down the aisle with their hands held out, touching every bottle they pass. I reach for a bottle of Beaujolais. I look over at Christopher just in time to see him climbing up onto one of the shelves (he is less than a foot away from me but he’s a quick one) saying, “Here, Mommy, I’ll get this one for you.” I see the bottles on the bottom shelf toppling sideways as he pushes them out of the way with his Spiderman shoe. I was able to grab them before they went crashing and we quickly made our purchase and left.
Again, though my clothes were soaked and my hair was soaked and my makeup was running down my face, I was feeling pretty smug. “I’ll just clean myself up when I get home,” I thought. I smiled at my good fortune. Then from the back seat, Christopher starts crying and says, “Mommy, I don’t want to throw up.” Two seconds later, up comes the purple and red lollypop he got from Santa. He stops long enough to take a breath and then up comes his breakfast. We are still three blocks from home.
When we got home Christopher insisted I carry him into the house. So, now, not only am I soaked with rain, I’m soaked with puke. All the while doing everything I can to keep from getting it everywhere else as I strip him down. But, I get him cleaned up and snuggled up on the couch. I then spend the next 15 minutes standing outside in the pouring rain, cleaning up puke from the back seat of my van and the booster seat.
But, we made it out of the mall in less than 30 minutes.