You’re how old?

BebopI love running errands with Christopher. We get in the car together and talk about everything under the sun.  As we were driving to the post office today he said, “Mom, did you know I have another teacher in my class besides Miss Lizzie? Her name is Miss Claudia.”  I asked him, “Do you like Miss Claudia?” He said, “Yes, she’s nice. She’s bigger than me, though.” I asked, “Aren’t all of your teachers bigger than you?” He said, “I guess they are.” So I asked him, “Don’t you think all your teachers are bigger than all the students?” He said, “Yes, but they aren’t bigger than you, they are big AS you though.” I just laughed, thinking I’m sure Miss Lizzie would love to know Christopher thinks were the same size. (She’s a petite woman… me, not so petite.) Christopher scored himself some brownie points with me on that one.

We drove another few minutes and then he asked, “Mom, do you know how old Miss Lizzie is?” I told him I didn’t.  Then he said, “I bet she’s as old as you are.” I told him, “I’m pretty sure I’m older than Miss Lizzie.” He said, “Oh, you think she isn’t twenty years old yet?” I said, “No, I’m sure she’s older than twenty but she’s not as old as Mommy.” Then he said, “Oh, well, she has to be as old as you then.” I asked him, “Why do you say that? How old do you think Mommy is?” He said, “Well, I know that you’re twenty years old.” I laughed and told him, “I’m a bit older than that.” He asked me, “Well, exactly how old are you?” When I told him, he gasped and yelled, “Holy cat! That’s old!”

Good thing God made him cute.