Well, it’s been a busy day! In all that cooking and playing and opening presents I forgot to shout out to the world a Happy Birthday to my little Bean!!! At 6:30 this morning, Jim Brett and I were reminiscing about the day we went to the hospital! I remember asking him to let me drive because I was having a c-section and I knew I would be able to for a while.
I remember having to say goodbye to my little Jacob, whom I had never been away from for an entire night, let alone 3 days. While I was excited for my little Bean to enter the world, I was devastated leaving my little J-Bird.
And I’ll be eternally grateful to Joan for being here with us that week! You helped in so many ways. But my most fond memory is from when we were in triage and they could not get my IV in and they were on the 5th try. I looked over at you and, without saying a word, the look you were giving me gave me the courage to let them try one more time. (Not that I really had much choice.) You looked so empathetic but also so encouraging. Like you were silently telling me, “You can do this.” That helped me take that deep breath I needed to buck up and stay calm. Once they finally got the IV in and my tears of gratitude that I wouldn’t have to do it again started, you cried with me.
(Right after I came out of surgery and I had that maddening itchy feeling from the epidural, you scratched my back for me so Jim Brett could hold his son! Thanks for that, too!)
I can’t believe that was all six years ago. My little Christopher has given me so much joy. He is such an amazing little guy! He is super smart! I love watching his little mind at work. And what a sense of humor! That child makes me laugh every single day.
Happy Birthday, my little Bean! I love you to the moon and back!!