Christopher is four years old. I mean really four years old. Or maybe he’s just very Irish! He is so dramatic. The other night, I was upstairs reading a bed time story to Jacob. Christopher had not finished his before bed snack so he asked if he could stay at the table and eat while I got Jacob in bed. No problem, right?
Ten minutes later, as I’m sitting peacefully reading to Jacob on his bed, we hear this blood curdling scream from downstairs. I bolt up off the bed and run downstairs as fast as I can. (Jacob giggled uncontrollably and said, “Mommy, make him do it again!”) I get downstairs to find Christopher in the bathroom (completely naked) sitting on the toilet, crying. I said, “What’s wrong?” He replied, “I was calling you to wipe my butt and you didn’t come!” I asked, “Well, why were you screaming?” His response, “You didn’t come when I called you and I was mad!”
Then, on Saturday, we decided to go to Target. I am in the process of trying to teach the boys to wash themselves in the bath so we decided to buy them their own special wash cloths. We chose these little shark and alligator puppet cloths.
In that same aisle, they had bathroom accessories; soap dispensers, toothbrush holders, floor mats, shower curtains, etc… Christopher honed in on this toothbrush holder that looks like a pirate ship. Both boys then agreed we should redecorate their bathroom in a pirate theme. I bought the whole kit and caboodle.
Christopher insisted on holding the pirate ship toothbrush holder. He held onto that thing all the way through the store and the entire car ride home. When we got him out of the car, I offered to carry it into the house. He was adamant that he could carry it himself. I reminded him that if he drops it, it will break. He was so very careful all the way to the house. Just as he reached the porch, he tripped over his own feet (too much like his mother) and the pirate ship went flying, hitting the sidewalk, shattering.
It was like something out of a movie. He dropped down onto his knees, threw his hands up into the air and cried, “Look at it! Just look at it! It’s broken, it’s so broken!” I ran to him, scooped him up and promised we would replace it. But, oh my, the drama! He was finally appeased but… if he’s this dramatic at four, what do I have to look forward to when he’s fourteen??? That Irish temper… WHEW! (But, secretly, I wouldn’t change a thing about him!!)