This is probably going to irritate the dog lovers in my life but…
My neighbor has a golden retriever named Marie. She is a beautiful, friendly dog but her owners let her roam up and down our street unattended. My son is Autistic. Two summers ago, Marie came running up the street and knocked Jacob down. Did she mean to? No. But, Jacob has been terrified of all dogs ever since. I have politely asked my neighbor to keep Marie on a leash or keep her in their yard on at least three occasions.
Last weekend, Jacob was playing in the front yard and Marie wandered up to our house again. Jacob went into complete panic mode, screaming and crying, trying to climb as high up into my arms as he could get. This, of course, got Marie excited and she started jumping around a bit. I managed to get Jacob into the house and calmed down. I came back outside and walked Marie back to her house and again reminded my neighbors that Jacob is afraid of her since she knocked him down and could they please keep her in their yard. I was very polite and friendly. There was no apology from the neighbor. Five minutes later, Marie was wandering around again but, I held my tongue.
Today, my boys were in the yard, having a picnic for dinner. The neighbor walked up the street with Marie, unleashed. Marie came into our yard while this neighbor stopped to speak with another neighbor. She saw Marie come into our yard and heard Jacob screaming hysterically but she continued her conversation without bothering to get her dog. Believe it or not, I still tried to be polite. I reminded her that Jacob is terrified of her dog and could she please get her on a leash. She called for Marie but, half heartedly, then continued her conversation. In the meantime, Jacob is in complete meltdown mode, screaming and crying, “Please make that dog leave, please don’t let that dog hurt me!”
I finally lost my cool. How does a person stand there listening to a terrified child scream and cry about their dog and not do something about it? How? I yelled at the top of my lungs, “Come and get your dog, now!!!!” Her response, “She’s friendly, chill out.” I’m sorry, what? I continued to yell (not my proudest moment but mama bears claws were out) and told her I don’t care how friendly the dog is, get it on a leash, my son is terrified and don’t tell me to chill out when it comes to protecting my child!
So, for all you dog lovers out there, let me just explain something to you. When a person says, “I’m afraid of dogs and I don’t want yours near me.” Telling that person that your dog is friendly is not the correct response, unless, of course, you are simultaneously taking hold of your dog and getting it as far away from that person as possible. If you are walking down the street with your dog and you see someone coming towards you, don’t assume they want your dog to sniff or even be anywhere near them. YOU move to the side with your dog and allow them to pass. If you are walking on the beach and your dog is not on a leash and he/she runs up to someone, do not act offended if that person screams at you to get your dog on a leash. Just because you love dogs doesn’t mean everyone else does. You don’t know what may have caused a person to be afraid of dogs. Do not judge them for it. My son is Autistic. He doesn’t understand when you tell him, “My dog is friendly.” All he knows is his terror. Please keep this in mind the next time you are out with your dogs. There is no reason to be offended by this. Some people are just afraid. They can’t help it.
Wait…the dog came on to your property!? Of all the nerve.
Dogs in MoCo are required to be on leashes unless they’ve passed the CGC test (in which Cade the dog wouldn’t be running amok). I’d call animal control and file a complaint. (Yes, I am a dog lover, but completely understand that you have to protect your child first and foremost.)
I would call animal control next time you see the dog roaming. Any responsible dog owner would keep their dog on a leash or fenced in. This way it is documented that you have filed a complaint also. Anyone that had a heart would have kept control of their dog knowing a child is afraid of it.