I love, love, love, love, love Cate Blanchett. The first movie I ever saw her in was “Elizabeth” and I completely fell in love with her. I have adored every movie she’s been in ever since. (Especially enjoyed her portrayal of Bob Dylan.) Besides being a beautiful and phenomenal actress, every interview of her I’ve seen she is so graceful and gracious. So, seeing her win that Oscar last night was fantastic. And, I loved her speech… Julia Roberts laughed so even the little catty remark about “#suckit” must have been some inside joke to which we weren’t privy. But, that aside, I thought her acceptance speech was sincere and heartfelt.
But, the true hero of the evening for me was Jared Leto. I haven’t seen much of him since “My So Called Life,” and I haven’t seen “Dallas Buyers Club.” But his speech was so moving. Talk about gracious and sincere! It was so refreshing to see him make that moment about others. And, I loved seeing his mother’s reaction. It’s funny how much my perspective of things has changed since having children of my own. No matter what my boys grow up to do or be, I hope that they have that much courage and conviction to stand up for what they believe. And I desperately hope that I am the kind of mother that encourages that behavior. Kudos to you, Jared Leto. Fantastic speech.