A non-stop day!

Jacob 5-13-14Beanie 5-13-14I am just having a “I’m completely overwhelmed” kind of day and thought I’d vent.  I usually try to get to bed by 10pm. If someone had told me that 15 years ago I’d have told them they were crazy. I used to be quite the night owl. Not so much these days. I stayed up until midnight last night and I am whooped!!!!!

I had to work today so I had to get both boys up and dressed by 7am. Usually, I can let Christopher lounge so I only have me and Jacob to get ready. I got Jacob on the bus and ran Christopher to our sitter’s, came home and worked until Jacob’s bus pulled up in front of the house. As soon as he got off the bus, we jumped in the car and started for the sitter’s. I realized I had no money with which to pay her so we raced to the bank and then raced to her house to get him before I had to pay her for another hour!

Once we got Christopher, we went to the grocery store. Both boys are getting so, so good about staying with me in the stores but… they are boys. First, they have to run to the deli and each get their own number. And, Jacob’s new obsession is to use as many public toilets as he can when we are out so we made the stop to the bathroom. Then, they run to the bakery to discuss which cookies we are going to buy… only to be disappointed (and start begging) when I have to tell them no. (The whole gluten free thing, remember? No bakery cookies here!)

When they finally accept that there are going to be no cookies, they run down to see the lobsters in the sea food section, which means, I have to stop looking at whatever I’m searching for and follow them back and forth across the store.

Finally, I get all the groceries and we are checking out. That’s a whole other story in itself!!

We left the store and I decided we hadn’t run around quite enough so we stopped to get haircuts. To be truthful, that was the easiest task of the day… the barbershop was empty so both boys got seated at the same time. I actually got to sit for about 15 minutes.

We came home and the boys decided they wanted to play on the slip and slide, which means Jacob slides while Christopher waits for the mud to start forming and then splashes around in that. Obviously, this activity is followed by bath time.

So, both boys are bathed, I’m cooking dinner while trying to play Don’t Spill the Beans but I thought I’d sneak off for a minute to blog. Hark, I hear a boy crying, “NO! NO! Christopher is taking the game apart!!” This is one of those days when I can’t wait until bed time.  And that is still two hours away!

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