We are meeting with Jacob’s teachers and IEP team tomorrow to discuss his transition to Kindergarten. I don’t know what I am more frightened about; discussing what services he’ll need next year or the thought of leaving the team we have grown to know and love these past three years.
Jacob’s first love… Miss Amanda. She was his first teacher in the PEP program. That was almost three years ago and Jacob’s face still lights up when he sees her. She helped Jacob find his voice when we were beginning to fear he never would.
Miss Joy… Jacob’s speech pathologist. She helped Jacob learn how to use that voice to communicate his wants and needs.
Miss Kateri… Jacob’s Occupational Therapist. In Jacob’s 2nd year at PEP, when he had a teacher that could not be counted on to guide him, Miss Kateri kept him working and learning how to use his hands and work with other classmates.
Miss Lizzie… Jacob’s second love and teacher this year. What time Jacob lost last year, Lizzie has made up for tenfold. Unfortunately for Lizzie, she got Jacob the year I am grieving… she has let me cry to her many times… even when it wasn’t really about Jacob.
Miss Marla and Miss Kate… our Parent Educator’s that have gently and patiently guided both Jim and me through our million questions and concerns. Miss Kate has also been a shoulder to cry on this year and was a big help in getting me motivated to move and get out of the house more, even going so far as joining me in a yoga class.
It is obvious how much you truly care about all of your students but you still somehow manage to make each parent think their child is the most special. What a tremendous group of women. We are so blessed to have had you in Jacob’s corner these last three years.