I decided to take some time to relax…

April and Christy's wedding 054I decided to take a shower before bed last night. Both my boys were in bed.  Christopher was already asleep. I know this because I had just gone in and taken a picture of him sacked out on the floor with Pooh Bear. Jacob was still awake but barely. He curled up on his side as I was kissing him goodnight; a telltale sign that he is about to fall asleep.  I figured it was safe to get in the shower. WRONG!

This is what ensued after I started running the water. Christopher woke up, saw the lights were still on downstairs so went down to see what was happening. Jim had gone outside to take the trash down to the curb. Apparently, Christopher thought we had all left him. He started wandering around from room to room, crying. This woke up Jacob. Jacob went downstairs to see what was happening. When Jim came in just a couple of minutes later, he said he found Christopher wandering around, Pooh Bear in his arms crying, “Mama! Daddy! Where are you?” Jacob was following him around, trying to hug him and saying, “Christopher, why are you crying? It’s ok!”

By the time I got out of the shower and dressed, I heard Jacob and Christopher both talking. I came downstairs to find all three of my boys sitting at the dining room table, having a bowl of cereal at 10:30pm. It’s funny because, after six years of having my boys, I was just getting to a point in my life where I didn’t worry when I stepped into the shower. For the first time, I turned off my mommy ears for a few minutes and just relaxed. It just goes to show Jim and should never assume there is a time when we aren’t needed! We’ll have to plan our garbage trip to the curb and showers a little better in the future.  It’s hard sometimes that I don’t get many moments of relaxation, but I secretly love that they still need me so much.

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