Last night, we discovered that Christopher is a sleep walker. I was in my bathroom washing my face when I suddenly hear this strange sound, almost like water running. Jacob, who was in bed but still awake, starts yelling, “Mommy! Come here, quick! Mommy, Mommy!” I come running out of my bathroom to find Christopher standing at the top of the stairs, pajama bottoms and underpants around his ankles, peeing on the top step.
I stood there, trying to decide, “Do I pick him up and run to the bathroom, thus, getting piss all over my upstairs hallway? Or, do I just let him finish and deal with just cleaning up one step? Before I came to a decision, he was done. He pulled up his pants, turned and walked back to his room and crawled into bed.
I was dumbfounded. Jacob started giggling and said, “Mommy, did Christopher just pee?” I started giggling, too and said, “He sure did.” Jacob asked me, “Is he going to have consequences for his actions?” (We never tell the boys they are bad or that they are in trouble, we always tell them there are consequences for their behavior or actions.) I said to Jacob, “No, I don’t think he did that on purpose. I think he was still asleep.” Jacob just sort of looked at my funny, giggled some more and laid back down.
Just about that time, Jim comes walking over to the bottom of the steps and says, “What’s going on?” I said, “I guess Christopher thought the stairs were the toilet?” He looked at me for a minute and we both blew up laughing. Jim walked up the steps and handed him a towel as we both started cleaning up and he said, “Well, I guess it looked like a toilet.”
Anyone have any words of wisdom on dealing with sleep walkers? I could use some!