So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye

I’ve been quiet because I was afraid of jinxing it. However, since it’s just over a week from now, I guess it’s safe to announce… we are wheels up as of June 23rd!

When Jim Brett and I got married in 2003, we immediately decided we wanted to leave our home state of Ohio for an adventure. We moved to DC, found great jobs and loved our life. In 2008 we had our first baby. Soon after (very soon after) we had our second baby. We bought a home in Maryland where we were lucky enough to have some awesome neighbors and we have made some wonderful memories here.

A while ago, we decided it was time to move back to Ohio to be closer to family.  It’s hard watching your kids grow up not knowing their aunts, uncles and cousins. (Especially when there are SO many! Remember, I married a Brett.) My boys are looking forward to getting to know all of them, Brett’s and Bailey’s. They are looking forward to being able to jump in the car and spend a few hours with Grandma whenever they want. We’ll be able to spend holidays with family instead of only talking for few minutes over FaceTime.

We have made some absolutely amazing friends and I am going to miss them terribly. Especially my Maryland besties, Christy Cunningham, Emily Hain and Rachel Lehman. You three have had more of an impact on my life than I can ever express! Love you all!!

So, it’s been a great run.  But, I can’t wait to be back in the Buckeye state, hanging with my Ohio peeps.

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