“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

I recently challenged myself to complete 100 days of at least 30 minutes of exercise. I wasn’t sure I had enough faith in myself in the beginning to actually follow through with it but, I decided to try. It was time to get in better shape. I have two young boys that like to run and play. My main objective was to be able to keep up with them.

I wish I would have chronicled in writing how different I felt each day. I am on day 68. I know I have changed so much.

I have never been a morning person. When I started this challenge, I told my husband I would have to make time in the middle of the day to exercise. I know if I had tried to force myself into doing it at the crack of dawn I would never have succeeded. My routine the past 2 months has been to get Jacob on the bus, have my breakfast with Christopher and spend some time playing with him. About 10:00 I tell Christopher it is time for me to exercise and he can either do it with me or play while I do it.  He usually tries it for about five minutes then runs off the play. When I finish, I head into the playroom to join Christopher for a bit before taking my shower.  It has been a fantastic routine.

Today, I actually found the ambition to get up and work out first thing this morning. It was a struggle to get out of bed. Most nights, Christopher ends up in bed with me and Jim and snuggles into my like a tic. Having that nice, warm little body snuggled up against me at 5:45am certainly wasn’t giving me motivation to get out of bed. But I started slow.

At 6:00am, I told myself, “Just get up. Go downstairs and start the video. If you find you’re too tired, stop and finish later.” After the 5 minute warm-up I told myself, “Ok, that wasn’t too bad. See how long you can go.” I made it the entire 45 minutes and it felt so incredibly good to have it done! I went up, took my shower then woke my boys for school. I had the whole day ahead of me.

So, while I haven’t written about this from the very beginning, I know how much I have changed and accomplished in the past 68 days. On January 6th, I didn’t even consider getting up that early. I am now starting to think, I just might have the energy I lacked before to tackle 45 minutes of aerobics at 6am each day.  I think I’m finally starting to believe in me… just a little bit.

One thought on ““The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

  1. That’s awesome, Michelle! And probably after your 100 days are up it will just be habit and you’ll want it in your daily schedule. I’m proud of you!

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