I’ve been reading a lot about the gluten free diet. I’ve sort of shied away from it in the past as it seems to be the new “fad” diet that everyone is doing. And, while I do think some people are just jumping on the band wagon, there are those that it really has helped. What has most intrigued me is that I have read many articles that indicate it can have a positive effect for children on the Autism spectrum. There are conflicting opinions on this stating enough research and testing haven’t been done but overall, the belief is that a gluten free diet has helped some children on the spectrum improve in both behavior and physiological symptoms. No one knows what really causes Autism but, if there is any chance that my son’s issues are tied into gastrointestinal problems then that is a huge incentive for me to make this change.
Another incentive is that, for years I’ve been convinced I have a thyroid problem. I have had the blood tests done but they all come back normal. I’ve also read quite a few articles on how those tests are not always accurate. When I talk to my doctors about this I get the same response, “Everyone sees symptoms after they have read them.” Though, I try to explain that I had the symptoms before I read them and that’s why I did the research, I just sort of get the eye roll or hand wave. (Maybe I just need to find new doctors!) But, the more I read about this, the more I am convinced. And, I have read many articles that indicate a gluten free diet is also helpful for thyroid issues. I have two very good reasons to give this a try.
The biggest challenge will be with my boys. They are the pickiest eaters on the planet. They would live on Eggo waffles and chicken nuggets if I let them. (Unfortunately, I am ashamed to admit that they eat those far more often than they should!) It will take some convincing but, based on some of the recipes I have found, I think I can find a fun alternative for both the waffles and the nuggets. My husband is easy… he’ll eat just about any food I offer him.
I have reached out to some relatives and friends and have gotten great responses about the positive changes a gluten free life has made in their lives. I know it isn’t a miracle cure. I’m not expecting to wake up in two weeks to find that Jacob is no longer on the spectrum or that I am suddenly more energetic than I have been in years, dry skin cleared up, brittle nails shiny and healthy. But, even if it makes a small difference, it will be worth it, especially for Jacob. Anything I can do to help my son make positive changes in his life is well worth the time and effort.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to share your thoughts and experience with me and for all the recipe links you sent. I’ll let you know how it goes for us.